“It is necessary to reboot the national emissions trading system (ETS), created in Kazakhstan in 2013,” say experts and participants of the seminar organized by the Scientific and Educational Center “Green Academy” together with the Committee on Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held on October 13, 2023 in Astana.
During the reports presented by experts from the EBRD and ADB, the shortcomings of the current ETS were noted and the need was emphasized for a gradual transition to paid quotas, the introduction of auctions similar to tenders in the field of renewable energy sources, improving, in general, the system of monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gases (MRV) and increasing competencies of carbon market participants. Green Orda Project experts noted the importance of improving carbon regulation in general by assigning certification functions to an authorized government agency. As a regulatory basis for certification and enhancing the competencies of Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification Bodies operating on the territory of Kazakhstan, experts from the Green Academy REC presented the first National Standard in the CIS, prepared jointly with the RSE KAZSTANDARD with the support of the EBRD.
Based on the results of the discussion of the presented reports, it was recommended that the MENR of the Republic of Kazakhstan hold public hearings to improve the regulatory framework for the functioning of the ETS, update the existing Rules for the validation and verification of greenhouse gases, taking into account the proposals made and recommendations for making appropriate changes to the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The seminar in a hybrid format was attended by deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of the MENR, ME, TRMC MTI, the Environmental Forum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ECOJER, the Baytak party, Zhasyl Damu JSC, representatives of the Council of Investors under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KAZINDUSTRY MIID, EC, AMME , KEA, KAZENERGY, business and NGOs.