As is well known, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) was held in Dubai, in 2023. During this event, President K. Tokayev reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to fulfilling its national climate obligations and implementing the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. At the upcoming COP 29 conference, scheduled to take place in Baku from November 11 to 22, 2024, discussions will focus on climate finance, with the aim of reaching an ambitious agreement that will help countries, especially the developing ones, to combat the impacts of climate change. It is expected that COP 29 will clarify the new collective quantitative goal for climate finance, an important step in implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

In this regard, the Green Academy Research Center, together with the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan, and with the support of the OECD SIPA project, is organizing a Round Table on September 6, 2024, in Astana on the topic “COP-29: Legislation to Artiсle 6 and Recommendations to Kazakhstan”.

The event aims to discuss the COP 29 Agenda and perspectives for development of the Action Plan to the Article 6 as part of the Strategy of achievement of carbon neutrality of Kazakhstan (SACN).

The Round Table will be held in a hybrid format, with expected participation from deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, heads of central government bodies, representatives of the EU, the World Bank, the EBRD, the ADB, the UNDP, SIPA/OECD, as well as international and national experts, business associations, and NGOs.

Program agenda:

Registration link:…/tZEldumoqDkiHd1sKOKE5i5K6uG1T…

Registration until 15:00 05.09.2024

For inquiries: +77053071126, +77053071235
