- General information;
- Stages of personnel certification;
- Management of the certification body;
- Confirmation Requirements;
- Database of certified specialists;
- Exam schedule;
- Appeal filing.
Scope of certification, Purpose of certification, Tasks of certification
The main tasks of the CAB is to carry out work to confirm the conformity of personnel in accordance with the requirements of certification schemes
The field of certification is specialists in the validation and verification of greenhouse gases
The purpose of independent certification of personnel is an objective assessment of the level of professional qualification of a specialist to the requirements of production and business established by the relevant professional standard, confirming his capabilities and right to perform specific types of work, regardless of the place, time and method of obtaining qualifications. Unlike the accreditation of specialists, certification is carried out by a third party, independent of the employer and the employee.,
Certification tasks
– Implementation of an independent certification system for specialists in the greenhouse gas validation and verification industry.
– Assessment of the applicant’s qualification compliance with the requirements of industry professional standards and confirmation/assignment of qualifications.
– Assistance to employers in the selection of qualified employees certified by professions and skill levels.
– Improving the competitiveness of personnel in the greenhouse gas validation and verification industry.
– Stimulating the motivation of workers in the field of continuing professional education, lifelong learning.
Stages of personnel certification

The structure of the personnel conformity assessment body as part of the "REC "Green Academy" LLP

Personnel information: https://green-academy .kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/06-Svedeniya-o-personale-aktual.docx
List of the Examination Board: https://green-academy.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Spisok-ekz-komissii-anglijskij.pdf
Confirmation Requirements
List of documents for personnel certification:
– Completed application form; (APPENDIX 1)
– a copy of the identity document;
– a copy of the education document (the applicant must have completed higher education, or have additional professional education corresponding to the applicant’s claimed field of activity). A candidate with an education that does not correspond to the claimed field is allowed, provided that he has at least five years of work experience in the claimed direction;
LLP REC “Green Academy” Complaints Commission Appeals Commission Personnel Conformity Assessment Body LLP “REC “Green
Academy” Commission for the Protection of Impartiality Examination Committee;
– a copy of the work record and/or other documents confirming work experience in the declared field of activity (The applicant must have at least 2 years of documented practical work experience in the declared field of activity) – copies of reports on VVPG (at least 2 reports for each year (total must be provided 4 reports), copies of contracts for the implementation of the VVPG, a letter of recommendation from the company that the candidate carried out the validation or verification of the PG;
– copies of the certificate / certificates of completion of training (The applicant must have additional professional education (advanced training of at least 80 hours) on the issues of conformity assessment in the claimed area). characteristic-presentation (certified by the signature of the head of the organization and the seal) (The applicant must have a broad outlook, be seasoned, have logical thinking, analytical mindset, willpower and the ability to realistically assess the situation, understand complex processes from the point of view of the main perspective, know the rules of
business etiquette. Be positively characterized at the place of work).
Procedure for consideration of appeals and complaints of applicants
In case of disagreement with the decision on the application for certification, cancellation or suspension of the certificate of conformity, in the event of disputes during certification, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Commission on Appeals (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).
- Registration of the appeal;
- Analysis;
- Making an informed decision;
- Bringing the decision to the applicant in writing, and in cases of rejection of appeals – the issuance of reasoned justifications with reference to the current regulatory documents or regulatory legal acts. The decision is sent to the applicant no later than 5 (five) working days from the date of the decision;
- Implementation of the decision.
The applicant has the right to submit to the Commission:
- Appeal, which should indicate the name of the applicant, his location and address, the essence of the appeal, a clear statement of the requirement on the subject of the appeal;
- Correspondence on a controversial issue, if any;
- Other documents upon request of the Board of Appeals.
Each of the interested parties has the right to invite specialists who are competent in the issue under consideration to the meeting of the Commission.
When considering, measures are taken to maintain the confidentiality of information representing the commercial secret of the applicant.
Appeals and complaints that require additional study are considered within 1 (one) month from the date of receipt and registration; those that do not require additional study and verification – no later than 10 (ten) days.
If within a month from the date of notification of the applicant about the decision taken by the Commission, no objections were received from the applicant, the decision is considered adopted.
In case of disagreement of the applicant with the decision of the Commission of the body, the applicant has the right to apply to the Appeal Commission of the authorized body for technical regulation.
1) By sending materials by mail to the address Astana, Dostyk 20, 407.
2) By sending materials to the email address: info@green-academy.kz
The decisions taken by the Commission are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the state system of technical regulation and metrology and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.