The Scientific and Educational Center “Green Academy” together with the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EU Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of JSC “AMT”, will hold a round table in a hybrid format in Temirtau on February 17, 2023 on the topic “DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGIES of the METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY AND ESG”.
The purpose of the event is to discuss international experience in the decarbonization of the metallurgical industry and develop recommendations for the Implementation Plan of the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060.
The event is attended by representatives of central and local government bodies, the embassy of EU, universities, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, AMME, international and national experts, NGOs.
The Round Table will be held at: Temirtau city, Respubliki 4, hall of the STEEL hotel.
Draft Program: https://disk.yandex.kz/i/FuV_i7xu4NMPaw
Participant registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_QyD8hcuBRuq2BKJNk51juA
until 12.00, 16.02.2023
Contacts: WhatsApp + 77011116771 (Gaukhar), gaukhar.smagulova@arcelormittal.com
+77058714444 (Nailya), info@green-academy.kz