On April 11, 2023, in Astana, the Green Academy Research and Education Center, together with the Climate Policy Department of the MENR, with the support of the SIPA OECD / IDRRI project, held a consultation seminar on the topic of “Legislation of monitoring and reporting of GHGs in Kazakhstan”. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the legislation of Kazakhstan in the field of validation and verification of greenhouse gases in the light of the implementation of the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060. The Deputy Director of the Climate Policy Department MENR RK, Sabiyeva S., and international expert G. Safonov (European Forest Institute, Finland) delivered welcome speeches.
Reports on the regulatory framework for greenhouse gas regulation were made by: Director of the Inventory Department of Zhasyl Damu JSC Esekina A.S., national experts Cherednichenko A.V., Ermakhanova E.M., director of the OPS in the field of validation and verification Daribayeva A.A. The seminar was attended by representatives of MTI RK, MIID RK, ME RK, MNE RK, MSHE RK, research institutes, ENU Gumilyov, KAZATU S. Seifullin, Mining Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, business associations and NGOs (in total more than 60 participants).
Program: https://disk.yandex.kz/d/YqJN9-O8MBJBDA
Presentations: https://disk.yandex.kz/d/GnsxBgaIl1c7SQ
Seminar recording: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Fcbp/dY6MPvaCr