Workshop “SEA INTEGRATION FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION” for deputies and senior officials of central and local state organizations and business structures was held on 3rd March, 2020 in KazEnergy, Nur-Sultan city

Scientific and Educational Center “GREEN ACADEMY”, Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan together with Committee for Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan with the support of GIZ and the ECOJER Association were the Оrganizers of the event.
Purpose of the event is to discuss the international experience of adaptation to climate change, mechanisms of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and directions for its use in the framework of the draft new edition of the Environmental Code.
Welcoming remarks were made by Mansurkhan Makhambetov – Head of the Working Group on the Development of the Environmental Code Project of Kazakhstan, Deputy of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, Olzhas Agabekov – Director of the Department of Climate Policy and Green Technologies of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources. The first session was moderated by member of “Green” Economy Council under the President of Kazakhstan, Director of the SEC “Green Academy” Dr. Bakhyt Yessekina, moderator of the second session was Dr. Rustem Kabzhanov – Director General of the ECOJER Association.
Following Speakers made presentations: Dr. Oksana Lipka – IPCC expert, Deputy Head of Department for the Study of Interaction of the Atmosphere and Natural Land Systems of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Russia, Dr. Vadim Ni – Head of the Social and Environmental Fund, Dana Ermolenok – Head of the Regional Adaptation Project in Central Asia, GIZ.
In the discussion took part: deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament – Mansurkhan Makhambetov Marat Bopazov, Kuralay Karaken, Darkhan Myngbay, as well as Deputy Director of Strategy and Digitalization Department, Ministry of Trade and Integration Bauyrzhan Abylkasymov, Dr. Oksana Lipka, Dr. Bakhyt Yesekina, representative of “ECOJER”, GIZ, etc.
Workshop was attended by representatives of the Office of Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Recourses, Ministry of National Economy, Statistics Committee of Ministry of National Economy, Ministry of Energy, Committee for Land Administration of Agriculture Ministry, Akimat of Nur-Sultan city, UNDP, GIZ, as well as representatives of business companies and NGOs. Following the results of this Seminar, recommendations will be prepared and sent to relevant Ministry and Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.