September 10, 2019 in Nur-Sultan, on the platform of the “Green Growth Forum” organized by the AIFC, a Session was held on the theme: “Development of a low-carbon development strategy for Kazakhstan: expectations and requirements.”
The purpose of this Session, organized by the GIZ Project was to familiarize participants with the experience of the OECD in transition to low-carbon development.
The Moderator of the first session was Director of the SREC Green Academy Yesekina Bakhyt. The Speakers were Dr. Johannes Schumann, Director of the Project “Supporting the Green Economy in Kazakhstan and Central Asia”, Dr. Tilo Klinner, German Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Siddharth Pathak, Director of the Platform “Ways 2050”, Sabit Nurlybai, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Ecology Geology and natural resources of the Repulic of Kazakhstan, Zhaslan Madiev, Vice-Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Evgeny Bolgert, Deputy Chairman of the Board, National Chamber of Enterpreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aigul Solovyova, Chairman of the Board, Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan.