On the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence

The international conference «Professionalization of the civil service of Independent Kazakhstan: Policy, practice and challenges» dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be held on November 26, 2021. The conference is organized by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Graduates of the National Higher School of Public Administration.

The event is held to discuss issues of modernization of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and professionalization of the state apparatus within the framework of the Concept of Public Administration. Following the results of the conference, it is planned to adopt recommendations in the field of improving public policy in the field of public service and training of managerial personnel.

Venue: 33 a Abaya str., Round Hall of the ASU under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Beginning: 10.00 h.

Connection link: http://undp.zoom.us/j/87811737293?pwd=VFFUSVYwUOIRSXI1d1pDRjhTSStCZz09