On May 27, 2024, in Almaty, during a Panel Session on “Climate Change and Security: Decarbonization and Adaptation Policies” at the Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2024), the concept of the Central Asian Green Tech Climate Hub was presented. The event was organized by the Research Educational Center “Green Academy,” in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with support from the SIPA/OECD project and the University of Central Asia (UCA).

The purpose of the event was to discuss innovative approaches to developing a decarbonization strategy for Central Asia, mechanisms for implementing regional cooperation, and the signing of a Memorandum on the creation of the Regional Climate Hub.

The event, held in a hybrid format, was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, international organizations such as the EU Delegation, World Bank, ADB, OECD (SIPA), OSCE, UCA, international and national experts, NGOs, and business structures.

The session was moderated by Dr. Bakhyt Yessekina, a member of the Council on Green Economy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Director of the REC “Green Academy.” Opening remarks were delivered by Saule Sabiyeva, Head of the Department of Climate Policy and Green Technologies of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Johannes Baur, Head of the Cooperation Department of the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, and Dr. Christopher Gerry, Acting Rector of the University of Central Asia.

Presentations were made by:

Peline Atamer, SIPA/OECD Project Lead (Recommendation from OECD for Decarbonization of the economy in Central Asia);

Dr. Georgy Safonov, SIPA/OECD Project Coordinator, Senior Researcher at EFI (International experience in Deep Decarbonization: Lessons Learnt for Central Asia);

Patrizia Albrecht, Climate Affairs Adviser at the OSCE Vienna office (Regional Co-operation on Climate Change and Security in Central Asia);

Paola Agostini, Lead Natural Resources Management Specialist, World Bank (Decarbonization and adaptation: case of the Naryn River basin (Kyrgyz Republic) and the Vakhsh River water basin (Tajikistan));

Saule Kozyke, CEO LLC ARPI – Kazakhstan (Central Asian Green Tech Climate Hub: Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Green Technologies).

Participants in the discussion included: Saule Sabiyeva, Head of the Department of Climate Policy and Green Technologies of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oleg Pluzhnikov, Senior Consultant at Perspectives Climate Group; and Dr. Raushan Satova, Director of the Institute for Advanced Training (AUEС) and other participants of the Panel Session.

Following the results of the Panel Session, a Memorandum was signed on joint work in promoting the Concept of the Central Asian Green Tech Climate Hub between the REC “Green Academy” and the University of Central Asia. The need to adopt this Concept was supported in speeches by representatives of SIPA OECD and other international organizations.
