On May 10, 2024, the Expert Seminar on “Priorities of Integrating ESG in the Basic Sectors of the Kazakhstan Economy” was convened at the Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov, organized by the Research and Educational Center “Green Academy” in collaboration with KarTU named after A. Saginov and supported by the SIPA/OECD project.

The seminar aimed to develop recommendations for the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on incorporating ESG principles into the mining and metallurgical as well as agro-industrial sectors.

The hybrid-format event brought together international and national experts, as well as the leadership and teaching staff of universities and research institutes of Kazakhstan, including the D. Kunaev Institute of Mining, A. Saginov Karaganda Technical University, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Karaganda Industrial University, representatives of national companies, business associations and NGOs.

Dr. Bakhyt Yessekina, a member of the Council on Green Economy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Director of the REC “Green Academy,” moderated the seminar. Opening remarks were delivered by Saule Sagintaeva, Rector of KarTU named after A. Saginov, Academician of the IIA, and Murat Tokbayev, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Agriculture of the Akimat of Karaganda city.

Presentations were made by:

Alyona Romanova, Executive Director of GPI Group (Research Concept on ESG Implementation Practices in Economic Sectors);

Dr. Seitgali Galiev, D. Kunaev Institute of Mining, RSE «NC CPMRM RK», Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Methodological Approaches to Technological Modernization of Kazakhstan’s Mining and Metallurgical Complex Considering the ESG Factors);

Dr. Bolat Makhmutov, Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, KarIU (Hydrogen Technologies for Decarbonizing the Iron and Steel Smelting Process);

Dr. Askar Imashev, Head of the Department of “Development of Mineral Deposits” at Karaganda Technical University (Development of Theory, Methodology, and Scenarios for Structural-Technological Modernization of Kazakhstan’s Basic Economic Sectors Considering ESG Approaches);

Dr. Georgy Safonov, SIPA/OECD project coordinator (Experience of OECD Countries in Developing Decarbonization and Sustainable Development Projects);

Dr. Marat Koshumbaev, Academician of the IIA, KazATU (Development of a Strategy for Structural-Technological Modernization and Agricultural Standards Considering ESG: Potential Assessment, Trends, and Prospective Directions).

Following the event, it is planned to prepare recommendations for the Government of the country on integrating ESG principles into the mining and metallurgical as well as agro-industrial sectors.

email: info@green-academy.kz