On May 16, 2022, an expert meeting was held at the Institute for Economic Research of the MNE to discuss the process of preparing the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060 (LCDS).
Representatives of MNE, MEGNR, MIID, MIT, IBRD, OECD, DBK, NCE, KAZENERGY, KAZSTANDART, QAZINDUSTRY, ECOJER, ZHASYL DAMU, KMG, ERG, ENU, ISCA, NCOC and other organizations took part in the meeting. The experts discussed the structure of the LCDS and made a number of suggestions and comments. It was proposed to hold expert discussions on a systemic basis in the off/online mode and to create a Telegram group chat. Proposals to the structure of the Strategy are accepted until May 20 at the following address: info@green-academy.kz
Presentation: https://green-academy.kz/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/ERI-po-Strategii-13-05-2022.pdf