On 14th November 2019, in Nur-Sultan city the Statistic Committee of the Ministry of National Economy RoK (MNE) together with “Green Academy” Scientific Education Centre with the support of the OECD conducted the presentation of the First Green Growth Report of Kazakhstan.
This Report based on OECD methodology, including green growth indicators and recommended to the decision–makers, state bodies, NGOs, business for assessment of country progress towards to the green growth .
Welcoming remarks were made by Ms. Gulnar Kerimkhanova– Deputy Head of the Statistics Committee MNE, Dr. Aliya Shalabekova– Director ofEnvironment Policy and SD Department (MEGNR), Mr. Jean- Francois Lengelle – OECD Project Coordinator. The event was moderated by Dr.B. Yessekina–Member of the “Green” Council under the President of Kazakhstan, Director of “Green Academy”.
Following Speakers made presentations/speech: Ms. Assel Shauenova– Head of the Section of Production and Environment of the Statistics Committee (MNE), Dr. Bakhyt Yessekina –OECD National Consultant, “Green Academy” Director, Ms. Assem Zhaysanbay, Head of the Section of WasteManagement under the State Policy of Waste Management Department (MEGNR) and Mr. Daniyar Sagadiyev – Acting Head of the Section of Regulation of Water Use of the Committee of Water Resources (MEGNR).
Deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan, Members of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group on improvement and transparency of information on green economy indicators , other representatives of the MNE, MEGNR, ME, MIID, MH, NGOs, business sector will be attended this event. The event was attended by representatives of the Mazhilis of Parliament, Ministry of National Economy; Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources; Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Ministry of Healthcare, Akimat of Nur-Sultan, representatives of UNDP, ADB, “QazTrade” Center for Trade Policy Development JSC, RSE “Kazhydromet” MEGNR, LLP “Kazgeoinform”, representatives of the Eurasian National University, Kazakh Agro-Technical University and others.