On June 16, 2023, the first certification of specialists of Green Bridge LLP took place at the Certification Body for Personnel in the field of validation and verification of greenhouse gases at the REC “Green Academy”. The exam was held in accordance with the procedure approved by the NCA. The chairman of the examination commission was appointed Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Chemistry at Gumilyov Sultanova N.N. The members of the commission represented various sectors of the economy, in particular: 1) power engineering – Spirin A.V., Energoexpert and K LLP (Karaganda); 2) mining and metallurgical – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Sabitov A.R, National Mining Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 3) oil and gas -Ospanov R.A. (Shell JSC, Atyrau); 4) processing – Beisengazin K.S. (ERI MNE RK); 5) Basymbekov A.K. – expert auditor ISO 17024, CAB P . A well-known ecologist, Dr. A.A. Skakova (Public Chamber of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan) was invited as an independent observer. The candidates passed written tests, completed a practical task and answered oral questions concerning the specifics of greenhouse gas emissions in the chosen area. According to the results of the exam, the conclusion will be published on the CAB tab of the organization – www.green-academy.kz. The next meeting of the certification commission will be held on 12-14.07.23.