Representatives of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, central and local government agencies, ESCATO, USAID, AIFC, UNDP, “Evercity”, Embassies of Finland, USA, scientists, experts, representatives of  business associations and NGOs–participants of the “Workshop on  “Blockchain for Sustainable Development and Emission Monitoring”, organized by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources together with the Scientific Research and Educational Center “Green Academy” with the support of FintechGood4 in the framework of DIGITALHEALTH2.0, noting the relevance of the topic and the reports presented for implementation The messages of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan-2019, the Concept on the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a “green” economy adopted the following recommendations:

1.The implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and national commitments in the field of reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the regional and local city levels of Kazakhstan necessitate the conduct of research in the field of digitalization of existing plants aimed at improving management and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Researches of WHO, World Bank, domestic and foreign scientists show that in general emissions have significant damage to public health, the sustainable development of the ecosystem and enabling environment.

In this regard, the Ministry of Healthcare of Kazakhstan together with Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources with the support of international organizations (WB, USAID, EPA and others) are being advised to initiate a Project aimed at studying the impact of emissions (region, city, enterprises) on public health.

3. Effective international experience indicates that transition to digitalization and low-carbon development requires a systematic approach and development of a holistic Strategy that provides comprehensive measures to reduce emissions and decarbonization of industries, housing and communal services, transport and the expansion of forest land.     In this regard, it is recommended to Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources with the support of international organizations to intensify efforts to create an Interdepartmental Working Group to develop a Strategy for the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to low-carbon development until 2050.

4. Ministry Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources together with  Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry recommended to develop the digital platform for the GHGs monitoring .

5. Ministry Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources together with  Ministry of the National Economy (Statistics Committee), SREC “Green Academy” by ADB, UNDP, OECD, UNECE, GIZ support to develop the capacity building programs on  low carbon development  and use of the green indicators in planning .