On March 5, 2021, at 15:00, REC “Green Academy” together with the Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural…
On March 5, 2021, at 15:00, REC “Green Academy” together with the Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural…
To raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among the population, we have created videos on each of the SDGs. The experts from various fields present global and national…
On November 17, 2020 Technical Committee for Accreditation of Validation and Verification Bodies was established under "National Accreditation Center" of Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of the Ministry of Trade…
On 6th November, 2020 was held an Expert e-meeting on "OECD GREEN GROWTH STRATEGY: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND KAZAKHSTAN". The event was organized by Scientific and Educational Center "GREENACADEMY", Academy of…
The event was organized by the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev (AUPET), the Scientific and Educational Center “Green Academy”, and the international consulting center…
Scientific and Educational Center "GREEN ACADEMY", Narxoz University and Environmental Investment Center (Russia) were the Оrganizers of the event. Purpose of the event is to discuss international experience in the…
Participants of on-line event organized by AUES named after G. Daukeev, SEC “Green Academy”, Center for Environmental Initiatives (Russia) –– representatives of state bodies, universities of Kazakhstan, research institutes, Eco-Jer,…
Online lecture “Decarbonization of the economy: international experience and Kazakhstan” (сonnection address https: // was held on 24th April, 2020. Event was organized by the Almaty University of Energy…
Workshop "SEA INTEGRATION FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION" for deputies and senior officials of central and local state organizations and business structures was held on 3rd March, 2020 in KazEnergy, Nur-Sultan…
On 19th December 2019, the meeting of the Council for transition to green economy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Council) was held…